Sunday, November 27, 2011

Lindsay Lohan Killing it at the Morgue

Lindsay Lohan is killing it at morgue duty. Seriously, inappropriate puns aside, the troubled star is slaying expectations and then some up in that piece.

Maybe structure's what she needs, as TMZ notes, because Lindsay's easily on pace to finish her court-ordered stints at the morgue on time for once.

Not only that, she's ahead of schedule - way ahead.

Lindsay Lohan Side Boob

Lohan has already completed 10 of her 12 required morgue duty shifts, an impressive feat considering that she still has another three weeks to do so.

And this go-getter isn't about to stop there. Lindsay plans to finish the remaining two shifts ASAP to get a jump on her other community service too.

That way, at her December 14 status hearing, Linds will be able to say that not only is she abiding by the judge's ruling, but going above and beyond.

Also, Lindsay has built a nice reputation at the morgue, acting polite, working hard, never complaining and (after that first day) showing up on time.

She's got plenty of motivation to keep it up. LiLo got off easy with a mere four hours in jail this month, but if she messes up again, 270 days loom.


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