Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Bachelor Recap: Kill Shot!!!

This season of The Bachelor has been the season of Courtney Robertson, and last night was no exception as the remaining women clamored to stop the Black Widow.

Ben Flajnik admitted that he's looking someone "a little bit weird," but we're not sure Courtney qualifies. Ashley Hebert is a little bit weird, in the best possible way.

Courtney? Mmmyeah not so much, unless ABC is doing the mother of all editing jobs to sabotage her ALL SEASON. She's so unpopular, she's all people talk about!

She's skinny-dipped and modeled and pursed her lips into Ben's heart, though, and with hometown dates looming, the women formed a united front to stop her.

Did they? Who made the final four? Were The Bachelor spoilers right all along, or did Ben pull a surprise and oust Court? Here's THG's official +/- Bachelor recap:

Cheers to the Bachelor

You know things are bad when Kacie B., probably the sweetest thing ever, is calling you out. Or when the story editors are feeding her lines. Minus 9.

“It took every freakin’ fiber of my being to not spring across the room and punch her in the face,” she said. Yikes, girl, take it down a notch. Minus 11.

Still, we feel ya. Plus 20.

Courtney did show a bit of vulnerability when she questioned if things were going well enough for her to want to introduce Ben to her family. Plus 7.

"Snap, girls. Show's over, you can pack your bags... kill shot!" - Courtney, after her temple-climbing one-on-one date with Ben in Belize. Minus 29.

"I don't want to get cocky though," she added. No, of course not. Minus 11.

Kacie B. wins the 3-on-1 date and Lindzi Cox, while getting comparably little screen time, always makes the most of what she has. See Ben? There are still other women on the show who seem like decent fits for you. Wake up! Plus 34.

Ben and Kacie B

Ben told her he definitely wanted to meet her family, which is no surprise given that he's totally whipped by her already. Still, spoiler alert? Minus 9.

Nevertheless, he's apparently not so whipped that he didn't pry about what's going on between her and the other women. Here we go ... Plus 5.

She says she tried "100 percent" to get to know them before they passed judgment on her. If that's true, we'd hate to see 30 percent. Minus 6.

Courtney: "I'm so bored by them. They're so vanilla and they're very into themselves. It's kind of exhausting when you don't really enjoy someone's company and you have to sit there and live with them every day." Funny, that's exactly how we feel and we only have to spend two hours a week with you, sweetie. Plus 20.

Ben asked Courtney if she had a big group of girlfriends. Response: "I have a lot of guy friends." Translation: women despise me. Plus 30.

"I'm just not impressed by these women, or girls. I don't even think they're women!" Great idea, mocking all the other women he likes. Minus 35.

"Do you know what my job is like?! I'm the talent. I have to make everyone happy," she says. Modeling! Side note: Plus 25 for this amazing video:

"We want you to be cautious about Courtney," Nicki Sterling offered, with Kacie and Rachel in town, "Just tread lightly." Too late. Minus 10.

Ben pulled Courtney aside just to make sure, he told her, that she really was on this show for him. LOL. Of course, she said yes. Minus 50.

Chris Harrison earns his paycheck by appearing and informing the women there would be no cocktail party. Ben's mind is made up, apparently.

Rachel and Emily O'Brien get the boot. Bad choice, obviously, as they seemed comparably great compared to the Black Widow. Minus 40.

Who doesn't love a rapping endiologist?! We do. Plus 15.

Courtney snottily waved at the departing Emily and mutters, "See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya," under her breath. She is in third grade. Minus 20.


Eliminations: Rachel Trueheart, Emily O'Brien.

Courtney Robertson: Your thoughts?

Source: http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2012/02/the-bachelor-recap-kill-shot/

Vampire Diaries Kardashian

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