Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Will Sandra Fluke Sue Rush Limbaugh for Slander?

Rush Limbaugh has apologized to Sandra Fluke for referring to the Georgetown Law School student as a "slut" and a "prostitute" because she believes her health insurance plan should pay for female contraception.

But might the conservative talk show host still be in major trouble for those remarks?

Fluke told The Daily Beast that legal experts have informed her she "might have a case" against Limbaugh for slander, but bringing a lawsuit against the blowhard is "not something I've made any decisions about at this point."

Rep. Carolyn Maloney, a Democrat from New York, seems far more committed to this goal than Fluke, as she claimed on Friday that “we will be filing a slander suit against Rush Limbaugh. What he’s really trying to do is silence a young woman. It’s unfair, it’s un-American.”

To come out on top in any slander suit, a victim must prove that the accused made a false statement, "published" it to at least one other party and also that said statement caused injury. This does seem like it could apply to both Limbaugh and actress Patricia Heaton for her comments.

But should Fluke go through with such an action? You tell us:

Source: http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2012/03/will-sandra-fluke-sue-rush-limbaugh-for-slander/

Vanessa Hudgens Kristen Stewart

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