Thursday, September 8, 2011

Toddlers & Tiaras Mom Defends Child Hooker Outfit: At Least It Isn't Sports!

Under fire from the PTC, and most rational human beings, Wendy Dickey is speaking out in defense of her child's promiscuous beauty pageant outfit.

Dickey is the mother of Paisley, a three-year old girl who, in a recent Toddlers & Tiaras promo, donned an outfit similar to the one Julia Roberts wore when portraying a hooker in Pretty Woman.

But Wendy doesn't see the problem because "no harm was done to my child," she tells TMZ, and, come on, the costume was "less revealing than gymnastics wear and swimsuits."

Toddlers & Tiaras Promo

In conclusion, Dickey oddly reasons: "I'm raising my child just as well as any mother does... I take my kid to church every week... at least I'm not forcing them into sports and getting my child injured like some parents.

"People need to look at their own family and what they're doing. I don't know why people are focusing so much on pageant moms when there's much more harmful things people are letting their children do!"

Yeah! Like tennis or tee ball!

What do you think of this scandal and the prostitute outfit donned by a toddler?


Young Hollywood Star Update

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