Sunday, September 25, 2011

Bristol Palin on Heckler: I Took the High Road!

Bristol Palin was just asking a question, people.

To hear Sarah Palin's eldest daughter tell it, she's not homophobic for asking a fellow bar patron last night if he was "a homosexual" after he heckled her.

On the contrary, Bristol Palin was the one taking the high road after being accosted by some guy, Stephen Hanks, who started berating her family.

"She was approached in a confrontational and inappropriate manner when two men aggressively shouted expletives aimed at her mother," her rep said.

Bristol Palin Responds to Heckler With Gay Comment

"Bristol responded to the unprovoked verbal assault by calmly standing her ground and defending her family. The situation ended with no incident."

The rep said that regarding Bristol's response to the heckler, "accusing her of homophobia is completely unfounded and totally misstates her views."

After Hanks insinuated that Sarah Palin is a whore who belongs in hell, Bristol said, "Is it because you're a homosexual... that's why you hate her?"

The heckler then replied, "Pretty much ... why'd you say I'm a homosexual?" To which Levi Johnston's ex-fiance said, "Because I can tell you are."

What's your take: Is Bristol Palin homophobic?


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