Friday, December 9, 2011

Hulk Hogan Sues Ex-Wife for Defamation

It's been a long time since we wrote about Hulk Hogan and his ex-wife, but don't worry. The two haven't become any more stable.

The former WWE star has filed a lawsuit against Linda Hogan, alleging she lied and defamed him her memoir, "Wrestling the Hulk—My Life Against the Ropes." In the book, Linda claims Hulk beat her, took drugs and engaged in sexual encounters, all fibs meant to revive her career, the wrestler says in court documents.

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The 18-page lawsuit states that such accusations have "harmed the reputation of Mr. Bollea, exposed him to distrust, hatred, contempt and ridicule."

Hulk is demanding a trial by jury and asking for Linda to stop broadcasting and publishing excerpts from the biography during her book promotion. In an interview earlier this year, Linda said she feared becoming a "a statistic" like Nicole Simpson, hinting strongly that Hulk often came close to killing her.


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