Monday, August 15, 2011

Lindsay Lohan: Bloody, Lingerie-Wearing, Knife-Wielding Train Wreck!

Lindsay Lohan is wearing next to nothing, covered in blood and holding a knife. This combination of things can mean only one of two possible scenarios:

  1. A photo shoot for her friend Tyler Shields
  2. A typical night out for her at the clubs

Incredibly, it's the former. Photographer Shields again shows he will never run out of innovative ways to bring us Lindsay Lohan in a state of undress:

Lindsay Lohan Covered in Blood

"She's just so daring," Shields said of Lindsay Lohan in a recent interview with Art Info. "She's a character in herself and she is very good at it."

"I shoot her a different way than I think anybody else shoots her, and I think she knows that and I think we compliment each other very well."

It's true. Lots of people shoot take Lindsay Lohan photos, but Shields is the only guy we know who still does so outside of a courtroom setting.

[Photo: Tyler Shields]


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