Friday, June 24, 2011

Chris Brown to Haters: Just Leave Me Alone!

Chris Brown has been under considerable fire this week, and really since he assaulted then-girlfriend Rihanna in 2009. People will not give the dude a break.

Given his frequent blowups - most recently a gay slur against some photographers he thought told the police about his illegally parked car - you can see why.

Chris did apologize, sort of, for that incident, but it's clear he's just as upset that he's being criticized for it as he is at himself for uttering it to start with.


In a string of Tweets last night, he wrote: "This will make things a whole lot easier. If you don't like/support me then don't listen to my music (sic).

"Latching on to my every word and criticizing makes you look thirsty. I can't even piss without somebody complaining. Imagine how I feel (sic).

"A person should not have to apologize every second for living life (sic)!"

Perhaps some are too quick to jump all over him, but at the same time, he brings a lot of this upon himself by calling people gay, throwing chairs through windows and the like. Work on the anger, Chris. Then people will chill.



Music Stars

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