Sunday, March 6, 2011

Charlie Sheen vs. Steven Tyler: Crazy Quote Off!

Let's get one thing clear: Charlie Sheen quotes from this week will never be topped.

We could combine Michael Lohan with Sarah Palin and feed them with nothing but tequila for days and they would still be unable to top the lunacy that spewed forth from the actor's mouth over the past several days. To wit:

Charlie Sheen Quotes: Best of a Winning Week

Still, one man has stepped up and at least earned honorable mention since being thrust back into the national spotlight. Consider some of the gems Steven Tyler has uttered during his stint on American Idol:

Well hellfire, save matches, f--- a duck and see what hatches! | permalink
You went up into the way-out-osphere, you went to squeak-land. That's insane. | permalink
From my melodic sensibility, it was really delicious. | permalink
I've never heard anybody squeeze that song, but you squeezed it so slow it sounded like Vanilla Fudge singing 'Eleanor Rigby. | permalink
Slap that baby on the ass and call me Christmas! | permalink

Below, we've collected the very best of Tyler's recent work on Idol. Dare we even ask: Can he compete with Sheen in the department of crazy?

Steven Tyler American Idol Quotes


Snooki The Situation

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