Monday, March 14, 2011

Alec Baldwin Offers Advice to Charlie Sheen: Beg!

The same man who cracks us up each week with dry-witted 30 Rock quotes has grown (somewhat) serious when it comes to Charlie Sheen's career.

In an editorial for The Huffington Post, based on his own experiences with executives in the movie and TV business, Baldwin addresses the troubled actor and says: "You can't win. Really. You can't."

Meaning what, exactly? Baldwin gives us a look inside the industry and continues:

Baldwin, AlecSuch a Winner

"No actor is greater than the show itself when the show is a hit. And, in that regard, [executives] are often right. Add to that the fact that the actor who is torturing their diseased egos is a drug-addled, porn star-squiring, near-Joycean Internet ranter, and they really want you to go."

Baldwin is correct that almost all hit shows remain popular and profitable after stars leave. Look at NYPD Blue, ER, CSI.

In the end, here's what Sheen should do, according to Baldwin:

"Sober up, Charlie. And get back on TV, if it's not too late. This is America. You want to really piss off Chuck and Warner Brothers and CBS? Beg for America's forgiveness. They will give it to you. And then go back. You are a great television star... As I learned from closely observing Tony Bennett so I could impersonate him on SNL, this is supposed to be fun.

P.S... buy Cryer a really nice car."

[Photos: Fame,]


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